
Showing posts from November, 2020

responsive voice create free tts

  Responsive Voice How to use 1 line code to create your own TTS Program?  Many people look for a software or program that transforms text to voice , and there are many light software allowing this ,but the result will be disappointing. in fact all free software does not provide any quality, because the voice obtained is closer to   the robot one   than the real human voice . with  ResponsiveVoice  ,you will be able to create your own profetional TTS ( Text To Speach ) even if you haven't any skills in programing . you will get your own software that you can use just by downloading and opening it on your pc or mobile. ......... ResponsiveVoice is built specifically for this case, sign-up for the free service, get your unique code and add it to your website to instantly enable voice for your website visitors.